Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Nature Awareness Journal

I love the four seasons and winter has always held a special place in my heart ever since I was a young kid building snow forts and claiming victory over the ever growing mountain of snow at the end of our driveway... courtesy of the Green Bay City snowplows, of course.

The earth is resting now in its peaceful and well-deserved slumber, but the world has not gone entirely dormant…birds still visit my yard and find shelter in the pine trees and nourishment at the feeders I keep filled for them year round.  Deer and rabbit tracks lead me along meandering and diverging paths and I find that the woods are at their best during these cold and snowy months.  Places that were inaccessible to me in the summer and fall have let down their guard now that there is a foot or more of snow covering the ground.  I can hear the wind coming from miles away and I brace myself for it—my arms open wide, waiting in eager anticipation for the frigid blast of rushing air to wash over and through me.